Municipal Council
For our Citizens
We will strive to provide superior services in areas that are under the jurisdiction of the Municipality on a timely, effective and efficient basis and maintain the highest standards of professional integrity.
For our Organization
We will foster an enjoyable working environment, based on open communication and mutual respect and will encourage initiative, innovation, teamwork and loyalty.
For our Community
We will continue our long tradition of quality service and leadership for our present and future citizens as well as support the regional vision while maintaining our uniqueness as an independent entity.
We envision a municipal government operation that recognizes people are central to all policy decisions. We value the trust bestowed on us by the citizens and all our actions must reflect care and integrity as we manage public resources. We treasure a clean, safe, environmentally sound community, rich with opportunity for all residents to work, play, learn and enjoy life.
Citizen satisfaction with municipal services is an important measure of our success as an organization. Collaboration and cooperation with all sectors of the community is necessary to improve community well-being, therefore, service must be provided in a fiscally responsible and accountable manner.
We also envision a Municipality that by its actions demonstrates a deep appreciation for the community’s past, responds to current needs and plans for our collective future.

William Gordon Burke
Elected on November 8th 2024

Rachelle Clark
Seat 1
Elected on November 8th 2024

Kathy Burke
Seat 2
Elected on October 1, 2021
Ethical Behaviour training completed on March 19, 2022
Internal relations

Miranda Matthews
Seat 5
Elected on October 1, 2021
Ethical Behaviour training completed on March 19, 2022
Leisure and Culture

Nancy Clark
Seat 6
Elected on October 1, 2021
Ethical Behaviour training completed on March 19, 2022
Deputy Mayor
Regional Development Committees (Tables)